using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Android.App;
using Android.Content;
using Android.OS;
using Android.Runtime;
using Android.Views;
using Android.Widget;
using Android.Graphics;
using Android.Util;
using Android.Content.Res;
using System.Globalization;
namespace CustomSlider.Droid
public class RangeSliderControl : ImageView
public Color DefaultActiveColor;// = Color.Rgb(0, 160, 212);
public Color DefaultNormalColor;// = Color.Rgb(149, 208, 231);
public string thumbNormal;
public string thumbPressed;
public string sliderName;
/// <summary>
/// An invalid pointer id.C:\Users\VenkatRao\Downloads\CustomSlider\CustomSlider\CustomSlider.iOS\RangeSliderControl.cs
/// </summary>
public const int InvalidPointerId = 255;
// Localized constants from MotionEvent for compatibility
// with API < 8 "Froyo".
public const int ActionPointerIndexMask = 0x0000ff00, ActionPointerIndexShift = 8;
public const int DefaultMinimum = 0;
public const int DefaultMaximum = 100;
public const int HeightInDp = 16;
public const int TextLateralPaddingInDp = 3;
private const int InitialPaddingInDp = 8;
private const int DefaultTextSizeInSp = 15;
private const int DefaultTextDistanceToButtonInDp = 8;
private const int DefaultTextDistanceToTopInDp = 8;
private const int DefaultStepValue = 0;
private const int LineHeightInDp = 1;
private readonly Paint _paint = new Paint(PaintFlags.AntiAlias);
private readonly Paint _shadowPaint = new Paint();
private readonly Matrix _thumbShadowMatrix = new Matrix();
private readonly Path _translatedThumbShadowPath = new Path();
private int _activePointerId = InvalidPointerId;
private int _distanceToTop;
private float _downMotionX;
private float _internalPad;
private bool _isDragging;
private float _padding;
private Thumb? _pressedThumb;
private RectF _rect;
private int _scaledTouchSlop;
private int _textOffset;
private int _textSize;
private float _thumbHalfHeight;
private float _thumbHalfWidth;
private int _thumbShadowBlur;
private Path _thumbShadowPath;
protected float AbsoluteMinValue, AbsoluteMaxValue;
protected float MinDeltaForDefault = 0;
protected float NormalizedMaxValue = 1f;
protected float NormalizedMinValue;
private Color _activeColor;
private Color _normalColor;
private bool _minThumbHidden;
private bool _maxThumbHidden;
private bool _showTextAboveThumbs;
private float _barHeight;
private string _textFormat = "F0";
private float MinToMaxRange
return AbsoluteMaxValue - AbsoluteMinValue;
protected RangeSliderControl(IntPtr javaReference, JniHandleOwnership transfer) : base(javaReference, transfer)
public RangeSliderControl(Context context) : base(context)
Init(context, null);
public RangeSliderControl(Context context, Color active, Color normal, string name) : base(context)
DefaultActiveColor = active;
DefaultNormalColor = normal;
sliderName = name;
//thumbNormal = NormalImage;
//thumbPressed = ActiveImage;
//, string NormalImage, string ActiveImage
Init(context, null);
public RangeSliderControl(Context context, IAttributeSet attrs) : base(context, attrs)
Init(context, attrs);
public RangeSliderControl(Context context, IAttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr)
: base(context, attrs, defStyleAttr)
Init(context, attrs);
public RangeSliderControl(Context context, IAttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr, int defStyleRes)
: base(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes)
Init(context, attrs);
public bool ActivateOnDefaultValues { get; set; }
public Color ActiveColor
get { return _activeColor; }
_activeColor = value;
public Color NormalColor
get { return _normalColor; }
_normalColor = value;
public Func<Thumb, float, string> FormatLabel { get; set; }
public override bool Enabled
return base.Enabled;
base.Enabled = value;
public bool AlwaysActive { get; set; }
public Color DefaultColor { get; set; }
public bool ShowLabels { get; set; }
public int TextSizeInSp
get { return PixelUtil.PxToSp(Context, _textSize); }
_textSize = PixelUtil.SpToPx(Context, value);
public bool ShowTextAboveThumbs
get { return _showTextAboveThumbs; }
_showTextAboveThumbs = value;
public string TextFormat
get { return _textFormat; }
_textFormat = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value) ? "F0" : value;
public bool MinThumbHidden
get { return _minThumbHidden; }
_minThumbHidden = value;
public bool MaxThumbHidden
get { return _maxThumbHidden; }
_maxThumbHidden = value;
public Color TextAboveThumbsColor { get; set; }
public Bitmap ThumbDisabledImage { get; set; }
public Bitmap ThumbImage { get; set; }
public Bitmap ThumbPressedImage { get; set; }
public bool ThumbShadow { get; set; }
public int ThumbShadowXOffset { get; set; }
public int ThumbShadowYOffset { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Should the widget notify the listener callback while the user is still dragging a thumb? Default is false.
/// </summary>
public bool NotifyWhileDragging { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// default 0.0 (disabled)
/// </summary>
public float StepValue { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// If false the slider will move freely with the tounch. When the touch ends, the value will snap to the nearest step value
/// If true the slider will stay in its current position until it reaches a new step value.
/// default false
/// </summary>
public bool StepValueContinuously { get; set; }
private float ExtractNumericValueFromAttributes(TypedArray a, int attribute, int defaultValue)
var tv = a.PeekValue(attribute);
return tv == null ? defaultValue : a.GetFloat(attribute, defaultValue);
private void Init(Context context, IAttributeSet attrs)
int thumbNormal = Resource.Drawable.seek_thumb_normal_blue;
int thumbPressed= Resource.Drawable.seek_thumb_Select_blue;
int thumbDisabled= Resource.Drawable.seek_thumb_disabled;
if (sliderName == "IsSeverity")
thumbNormal = Resource.Drawable.seek_thumb_normal_blue;
thumbPressed = Resource.Drawable.seek_thumb_Select_blue;
thumbDisabled = Resource.Drawable.seek_thumb_disabled;
else if (sliderName == "IsDuration")
thumbNormal = Resource.Drawable.seek_thumb_normal_Green;
thumbPressed = Resource.Drawable.seek_thumb_Select_Green;
thumbDisabled = Resource.Drawable.seek_thumb_disabled;
Color thumbShadowColor;
var defaultShadowColor = Color.Argb(75, 0, 0, 0);
var defaultShadowYOffset = PixelUtil.DpToPx(context, 2);
var defaultShadowXOffset = PixelUtil.DpToPx(context, 0);
var defaultShadowBlur = PixelUtil.DpToPx(context, 2);
_distanceToTop = PixelUtil.DpToPx(context, DefaultTextDistanceToTopInDp);
if (attrs == null)
_internalPad = PixelUtil.DpToPx(context, InitialPaddingInDp);
_barHeight = PixelUtil.DpToPx(context, LineHeightInDp);
ActiveColor = DefaultActiveColor;
DefaultColor = DefaultNormalColor;//Color.Gray;
AlwaysActive = false;
ShowTextAboveThumbs = true;
TextAboveThumbsColor = Color.White;
thumbShadowColor = defaultShadowColor;
ThumbShadowXOffset = defaultShadowXOffset;
ThumbShadowYOffset = defaultShadowYOffset;
_thumbShadowBlur = defaultShadowBlur;
ActivateOnDefaultValues = false;
TextSizeInSp = DefaultTextSizeInSp;
var a = Context.ObtainStyledAttributes(attrs, Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl, 0, 0);
SetRangeValues(ExtractNumericValueFromAttributes(a, Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_absoluteMinValue, DefaultMinimum),
ExtractNumericValueFromAttributes(a, Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_absoluteMaxValue, DefaultMaximum));
ShowTextAboveThumbs = a.GetBoolean(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_valuesAboveThumbs, true);
TextAboveThumbsColor = a.GetColor(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_textAboveThumbsColor, Color.White);
MinThumbHidden = a.GetBoolean(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_minThumbHidden, false);
MaxThumbHidden = a.GetBoolean(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_maxThumbHidden, false);
ShowLabels = a.GetBoolean(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_showLabels, true);
_internalPad = a.GetDimensionPixelSize(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_internalPadding, InitialPaddingInDp);
_barHeight = a.GetDimensionPixelSize(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_barHeight, LineHeightInDp);
ActiveColor = a.GetColor(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_activeColor, DefaultActiveColor);
// NormalColor = a.GetColor(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_normalColor, DefaultNormalColor);
DefaultColor = a.GetColor(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_defaultColor, Color.Gray);
AlwaysActive = a.GetBoolean(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_alwaysActive, false);
StepValue = ExtractNumericValueFromAttributes(a,
Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_stepValue, DefaultStepValue);
StepValueContinuously = a.GetBoolean(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_stepValueContinuously,
var normalDrawable = a.GetDrawable(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_thumbNormal);
if (normalDrawable != null)
ThumbImage = BitmapUtil.DrawableToBitmap(normalDrawable);
var disabledDrawable = a.GetDrawable(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_thumbDisabled);
if (disabledDrawable != null)
ThumbDisabledImage = BitmapUtil.DrawableToBitmap(disabledDrawable);
var pressedDrawable = a.GetDrawable(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_thumbPressed);
if (pressedDrawable != null)
ThumbPressedImage = BitmapUtil.DrawableToBitmap(pressedDrawable);
ThumbShadow = a.GetBoolean(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_thumbShadow, false);
thumbShadowColor = a.GetColor(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_thumbShadowColor, defaultShadowColor);
ThumbShadowXOffset = a.GetDimensionPixelSize(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_thumbShadowXOffset, defaultShadowXOffset);
ThumbShadowYOffset = a.GetDimensionPixelSize(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_thumbShadowYOffset, defaultShadowYOffset);
_thumbShadowBlur = a.GetDimensionPixelSize(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_thumbShadowBlur, defaultShadowBlur);
ActivateOnDefaultValues = a.GetBoolean(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_activateOnDefaultValues, false);
TextSizeInSp = a.GetInt(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_textSize, DefaultTextSizeInSp);
if (ThumbImage == null)
ThumbImage = BitmapFactory.DecodeResource(Resources, thumbNormal);
if (ThumbPressedImage == null)
ThumbPressedImage = BitmapFactory.DecodeResource(Resources, thumbPressed);
if (ThumbDisabledImage == null)
ThumbDisabledImage = BitmapFactory.DecodeResource(Resources, thumbDisabled);
_thumbHalfWidth = 0.5f * ThumbImage.Width;
_thumbHalfHeight = 0.5f * ThumbImage.Height;
// make RangeSliderControl focusable. This solves focus handling issues in case EditText widgets are being used along with the RangeSliderControl within ScrollViews.
Focusable = true;
FocusableInTouchMode = true;
_scaledTouchSlop = ViewConfiguration.Get(Context).ScaledTouchSlop;
if (ThumbShadow)
// We need to remove hardware acceleration in order to blur the shadow
SetLayerType(LayerType.Software, null);
_shadowPaint.Color = thumbShadowColor;
_shadowPaint.SetMaskFilter(new BlurMaskFilter(_thumbShadowBlur, BlurMaskFilter.Blur.Normal));
_thumbShadowPath = new Path();
_thumbShadowPath.AddCircle(0, 0, _thumbHalfHeight, Path.Direction.Cw);
public void SetBarHeight(float barHeight)
_barHeight = barHeight;
if (_rect == null)
_rect = new RectF(_padding,
_textOffset + _thumbHalfHeight - barHeight / 2,
Width - _padding,
_textOffset + _thumbHalfHeight + barHeight / 2);
_rect = new RectF(_rect.Left,
_textOffset + _thumbHalfHeight - barHeight / 2,
_textOffset + _thumbHalfHeight + barHeight / 2);
public void SetRangeValues(float minValue, float maxValue)
var oldMinValue = NormalizedToValue(NormalizedMinValue);
var oldMaxValue = NormalizedToValue(NormalizedMaxValue);
AbsoluteMinValue = minValue;
AbsoluteMaxValue = maxValue;
if (Math.Abs(MinToMaxRange) < float.Epsilon)
SetNormalizedMinValue(0f, true, true);
SetNormalizedMaxValue(0f, true, true);
SetNormalizedMinValue(ValueToNormalized(oldMinValue), true, true);
SetNormalizedMaxValue(ValueToNormalized(oldMaxValue), true, true);
public void SetTextAboveThumbsColor(Color textAboveThumbsColor)
TextAboveThumbsColor = textAboveThumbsColor;
public void SetTextAboveThumbsColorResource(int resId)
SetTextAboveThumbsColor(Resources.GetColor(resId, Context.Theme));
/// <summary>
/// only used to set default values when initialised from XML without any values specified
/// </summary>
private void SetRangeToDefaultValues()
AbsoluteMinValue = DefaultMinimum;
AbsoluteMaxValue = DefaultMaximum;
public void ResetSelectedValues()
/// <summary>
/// Returns the absolute minimum value of the range that has been set at construction time.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The absolute minimum value of the range.</returns>
public float GetAbsoluteMinValue()
return AbsoluteMinValue;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the absolute maximum value of the range that has been set at construction time.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The absolute maximum value of the range.</returns>
public float GetAbsoluteMaxValue()
return AbsoluteMaxValue;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the currently selected min value.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The currently selected min value.</returns>
public float GetSelectedMinValue()
return NormalizedToValue(NormalizedMinValue);
/// <summary>
/// Sets the currently selected minimum value. The widget will be Invalidated and redrawn.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">The Number value to set the minimum value to. Will be clamped to given absolute minimum/maximum range.</param>
public void SetSelectedMinValue(float value)
if (_pressedThumb == Thumb.Lower)
// in case absoluteMinValue == absoluteMaxValue, avoid division by zero when normalizing.
SetNormalizedMinValue(Math.Abs(MinToMaxRange) < float.Epsilon
? 0f
: ValueToNormalized(value), true, false);
/// <summary>
/// Returns the currently selected max value.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The currently selected max value.</returns>
public float GetSelectedMaxValue()
return NormalizedToValue(NormalizedMaxValue);
/// <summary>
/// Sets the currently selected maximum value. The widget will be Invalidated and redrawn.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">The Number value to set the maximum value to. Will be clamped to given absolute minimum/maximum range.</param>
public void SetSelectedMaxValue(float value)
if (_pressedThumb == Thumb.Upper)
// in case absoluteMinValue == absoluteMaxValue, avoid division by zero when normalizing.
SetNormalizedMaxValue(Math.Abs(MinToMaxRange) < float.Epsilon
? 1f
: ValueToNormalized(value), true, false);
/// <summary>
/// Set the path that defines the shadow of the thumb. This path should be defined assuming
/// that the center of the shadow is at the top left corner(0,0) of the canvas.The
/// <see cref="DrawThumbShadow"/> method will place the shadow appropriately.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="thumbShadowPath">The path defining the thumb shadow</param>
public void SetThumbShadowPath(Path thumbShadowPath)
_thumbShadowPath = thumbShadowPath;
/// <summary>
/// Handles thumb selection and movement. Notifies listener callback on certain evs.
/// </summary>
public override bool OnTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev)
if (!Enabled)
return false;
int pointerIndex;
var action = ev.Action;
switch (action & MotionEventActions.Mask)
case MotionEventActions.Down:
// Remember where the motion ev started
_activePointerId = ev.GetPointerId(ev.PointerCount - 1);
pointerIndex = ev.FindPointerIndex(_activePointerId);
_downMotionX = ev.GetX(pointerIndex);
_pressedThumb = EvalPressedThumb(_downMotionX);
// Only handle thumb presses.
if (_pressedThumb == null)
return base.OnTouchEvent(ev);
Pressed = true;
TrackTouchEvent(ev, StepValueContinuously);
case MotionEventActions.Move:
if (_pressedThumb != null)
if (_isDragging)
TrackTouchEvent(ev, StepValueContinuously);
// Scroll to follow the motion ev
pointerIndex = ev.FindPointerIndex(_activePointerId);
var x = ev.GetX(pointerIndex);
if (Math.Abs(x - _downMotionX) > _scaledTouchSlop)
Pressed = true;
TrackTouchEvent(ev, StepValueContinuously);
if (NotifyWhileDragging)
if (_pressedThumb == Thumb.Lower)
if (_pressedThumb == Thumb.Upper)
case MotionEventActions.Up:
if (_isDragging)
TrackTouchEvent(ev, true);
Pressed = false;
// Touch up when we never crossed the touch slop threshold
// should be interpreted as a tap-seek to that location.
TrackTouchEvent(ev, true);
if (_pressedThumb == Thumb.Lower)
if (_pressedThumb == Thumb.Upper)
_pressedThumb = null;
case MotionEventActions.PointerDown:
var index = ev.PointerCount - 1;
// readonly int index = ev.getActionIndex();
_downMotionX = ev.GetX(index);
_activePointerId = ev.GetPointerId(index);
case MotionEventActions.PointerUp:
case MotionEventActions.Cancel:
if (_isDragging)
Pressed = false;
Invalidate(); // see above explanation
return true;
private void OnSecondaryPointerUp(MotionEvent ev)
var pointerIndex = (int)(ev.Action & MotionEventActions.PointerIndexMask) >>
var pointerId = ev.GetPointerId(pointerIndex);
if (pointerId == _activePointerId)
// This was our active pointer going up. Choose
// a new active pointer and adjust accordingly.
// TODO: Make this decision more intelligent.
var newPointerIndex = pointerIndex == 0 ? 1 : 0;
_downMotionX = ev.GetX(newPointerIndex);
_activePointerId = ev.GetPointerId(newPointerIndex);
private void TrackTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev, bool step)
var pointerIndex = ev.FindPointerIndex(_activePointerId);
var x = ev.GetX(pointerIndex);
if (Thumb.Lower.Equals(_pressedThumb) && !MinThumbHidden)
SetNormalizedMinValue(ScreenToNormalized(x), step, true);
else if (Thumb.Upper.Equals(_pressedThumb) && !MaxThumbHidden)
SetNormalizedMaxValue(ScreenToNormalized(x), step, true);
/// <summary>
/// Tries to claim the user's drag motion, and requests disallowing any ancestors from stealing evs in the drag.
/// </summary>
private void AttemptClaimDrag()
/// <summary>
/// This is called when the user has started touching this widget.
/// </summary>
private void OnStartTrackingTouch()
_isDragging = true;
DragStarted?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
/// <summary>
/// This is called when the user either releases his touch or the touch is canceled.
/// </summary>
private void OnStopTrackingTouch()
_isDragging = false;
DragCompleted?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
/// <summary>
/// Ensures correct size of the widget.
/// </summary>
protected override void OnMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec)
var width = 200;
if (MeasureSpecMode.Unspecified != MeasureSpec.GetMode(widthMeasureSpec))
width = MeasureSpec.GetSize(widthMeasureSpec);
var height = ThumbImage.Height
+ (ShowTextAboveThumbs ? PixelUtil.DpToPx(Context, HeightInDp) + PixelUtil.SpToPx(Context, TextSizeInSp) : 0)
+ (ThumbShadow ? ThumbShadowYOffset + _thumbShadowBlur : 0);
if (MeasureSpecMode.Unspecified != MeasureSpec.GetMode(heightMeasureSpec))
height = Math.Min(height, MeasureSpec.GetSize(heightMeasureSpec));
SetMeasuredDimension(width, height);
/// <summary>
/// Draws the widget on the given canvas.
/// </summary>
protected override void OnDraw(Canvas canvas)
_paint.TextSize = _textSize;
_paint.Color = DefaultColor;
_paint.AntiAlias = true;
float minMaxLabelSize = 0;
if (ShowLabels)
// draw min and max labels
var minLabel = Context.GetString(Resource.String.demo_min_label);
var maxLabel = Context.GetString(Resource.String.demo_max_label);
minMaxLabelSize = Math.Max(_paint.MeasureText(minLabel), _paint.MeasureText(maxLabel));
var minMaxHeight = _textOffset + _thumbHalfHeight + (float)_textSize / 3;
canvas.DrawText(minLabel, 0, minMaxHeight, _paint);
canvas.DrawText(maxLabel, Width - minMaxLabelSize, minMaxHeight, _paint);
_padding = _internalPad + minMaxLabelSize + _thumbHalfWidth;
// draw seek bar background line
_rect.Left = _padding;
_rect.Right = Width - _padding;
canvas.DrawRect(_rect, _paint);
var selectedValuesAreDefault = NormalizedMinValue <= MinDeltaForDefault &&
NormalizedMaxValue >= 1 - MinDeltaForDefault;
var colorToUseForButtonsAndHighlightedLine =
!Enabled || (!AlwaysActive && !ActivateOnDefaultValues && selectedValuesAreDefault)
? DefaultColor // default values
: ActiveColor; // non default, filter is active
// draw seek bar active range line
_rect.Left = NormalizedToScreen(NormalizedMinValue);
_rect.Right = NormalizedToScreen(NormalizedMaxValue);
_paint.Color = colorToUseForButtonsAndHighlightedLine;
canvas.DrawRect(_rect, _paint);
// draw minimum thumb (& shadow if requested) if not a single thumb control
if (!MinThumbHidden)
if (ThumbShadow)
DrawThumbShadow(NormalizedToScreen(NormalizedMinValue), canvas);
DrawThumb(NormalizedToScreen(NormalizedMinValue), Thumb.Lower.Equals(_pressedThumb), canvas,
// draw maximum thumb & shadow (if necessary)
if (!MaxThumbHidden)
if (ThumbShadow)
DrawThumbShadow(NormalizedToScreen(NormalizedMaxValue), canvas);
DrawThumb(NormalizedToScreen(NormalizedMaxValue), Thumb.Upper.Equals(_pressedThumb), canvas,
// draw the text if sliders have moved from default edges
if (!ShowTextAboveThumbs || (!ActivateOnDefaultValues && selectedValuesAreDefault))
_paint.TextSize = _textSize;
_paint.Color = TextAboveThumbsColor;
var minText = ValueToString(GetSelectedMinValue(), Thumb.Lower);
var maxText = ValueToString(GetSelectedMaxValue(), Thumb.Upper);
var minTextWidth = _paint.MeasureText(minText);
var maxTextWidth = _paint.MeasureText(maxText);
// keep the position so that the labels don't get cut off
var minPosition = Math.Max(0f, NormalizedToScreen(NormalizedMinValue) - minTextWidth * 0.5f);
var maxPosition = Math.Min(Width - maxTextWidth,
NormalizedToScreen(NormalizedMaxValue) - maxTextWidth * 0.5f);
if (!MaxThumbHidden && !MinThumbHidden)
// check if the labels overlap, or are too close to each other
var spacing = PixelUtil.DpToPx(Context, TextLateralPaddingInDp);
var overlap = minPosition + minTextWidth - maxPosition + spacing;
if (overlap > 0f)
// we could move them the same ("overlap * 0.5f")
// but we rather move more the one which is farther from the ends, as it has more space
minPosition -= overlap * NormalizedMinValue / (NormalizedMinValue + 1 - NormalizedMaxValue);
maxPosition += overlap * (1 - NormalizedMaxValue) / (NormalizedMinValue + 1 - NormalizedMaxValue);
_distanceToTop + _textSize,
_distanceToTop + _textSize,
protected string ValueToString(float value, Thumb thumb)
var func = FormatLabel;
return func == null
? value.ToString(_textFormat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
: func(thumb, value);
/// <summary>
/// Overridden to save instance state when device orientation changes. This method is called automatically if you
/// assign an id to the RangeSliderControl widget using the Id. Other members of this class than the normalized min and
/// max values don't need to be saved.
/// </summary>
protected override IParcelable OnSaveInstanceState()
var bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.PutParcelable("SUPER", base.OnSaveInstanceState());
bundle.PutDouble("MIN", NormalizedMinValue);
bundle.PutDouble("MAX", NormalizedMaxValue);
return bundle;
/// <summary>
/// Overridden to restore instance state when device orientation changes. This method is called automatically if you
/// assign an id to the RangeSliderControl widget using the {@link #setId(int)} method.
/// </summary>
protected override void OnRestoreInstanceState(IParcelable parcel)
var bundle = (Bundle)parcel;
NormalizedMinValue = bundle.GetFloat("MIN");
NormalizedMaxValue = bundle.GetFloat("MAX");
/// <summary>
/// Draws the "normal" resp. "pressed" thumb image on specified x-coordinate.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="screenCoord">The x-coordinate in screen space where to draw the image.</param>
/// <param name="pressed">Is the thumb currently in "pressed" state?</param>
/// <param name="canvas">The canvas to draw upon.</param>
/// <param name="areSelectedValuesDefault"></param>
private void DrawThumb(float screenCoord, bool pressed, Canvas canvas, bool areSelectedValuesDefault)
Bitmap buttonToDraw;
if (!Enabled || (!ActivateOnDefaultValues && areSelectedValuesDefault))
buttonToDraw = ThumbDisabledImage;
buttonToDraw = pressed ? ThumbPressedImage : ThumbImage;
canvas.DrawBitmap(buttonToDraw, screenCoord - _thumbHalfWidth, _textOffset, _paint);
/// <summary>
/// Draws a drop shadow beneath the slider thumb.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="screenCoord">the x-coordinate of the slider thumb</param>
/// <param name="canvas">the canvas on which to draw the shadow</param>
private void DrawThumbShadow(float screenCoord, Canvas canvas)
_thumbShadowMatrix.SetTranslate(screenCoord + ThumbShadowXOffset,
_textOffset + _thumbHalfHeight + ThumbShadowYOffset);
canvas.DrawPath(_translatedThumbShadowPath, _shadowPaint);
/// <summary>
/// Decides which (if any) thumb is touched by the given x-coordinate.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="touchX">The x-coordinate of a touch ev in screen space.</param>
/// <returns>The pressed thumb or null if none has been touched.</returns>
private Thumb? EvalPressedThumb(float touchX)
Thumb? result = null;
var minThumbPressed = IsInThumbRange(touchX, NormalizedMinValue);
var maxThumbPressed = IsInThumbRange(touchX, NormalizedMaxValue);
if (minThumbPressed && maxThumbPressed)
// if both thumbs are pressed (they lie on top of each other), choose the one with more room to drag. this avoids "stalling" the thumbs in a corner, not being able to drag them apart anymore.
result = touchX / Width > 0.5f ? Thumb.Lower : Thumb.Upper;
else if (minThumbPressed)
result = Thumb.Lower;
else if (maxThumbPressed)
result = Thumb.Upper;
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Decides if given x-coordinate in screen space needs to be interpreted as "within" the normalized thumb
/// x-coordinate.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="touchX">The x-coordinate in screen space to check.</param>
/// <param name="normalizedThumbValue">The normalized x-coordinate of the thumb to check.</param>
/// <returns>true if x-coordinate is in thumb range, false otherwise.</returns>
private bool IsInThumbRange(float touchX, float normalizedThumbValue)
return Math.Abs(touchX - NormalizedToScreen(normalizedThumbValue)) <= _thumbHalfWidth;
/// <summary>
/// Sets normalized min value to value so that 0 <= value <= normalized max value <= 1. The View will get Invalidated when calling this method.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">The new normalized min value to set.</param>
/// <param name="step">If true then value is rounded to <see cref="StepValue"/></param>
/// <param name="checkValue">If true check if value falls inside min/max</param>
private void SetNormalizedMinValue(float value, bool step, bool checkValue)
NormalizedMinValue = checkValue
? Math.Max(0f, Math.Min(1f, Math.Min(value, NormalizedMaxValue)))
: value;
if (step)
NormalizedMinValue = ValueToNormalized(NormalizedToValue(NormalizedMinValue));
/// <summary>
/// Sets normalized max value to value so that 0 <= normalized min value <= value <= 1. The View will get Invalidated when calling this method.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">The new normalized max value to set.</param>
/// <param name="step">If true then value is rounded to <see cref="StepValue"/></param>
/// <param name="checkValue">If true check if value falls inside min/max</param>
private void SetNormalizedMaxValue(float value, bool step, bool checkValue)
NormalizedMaxValue = checkValue
? Math.Max(0f, Math.Min(1f, Math.Max(value, NormalizedMinValue)))
: value;
if (step)
NormalizedMaxValue = ValueToNormalized(NormalizedToValue(NormalizedMaxValue));
/// <summary>
/// Converts a normalized value to a Number object in the value space between absolute minimum and maximum.
/// </summary>
protected float NormalizedToValue(float normalized)
var v = AbsoluteMinValue + normalized * MinToMaxRange;
// TODO parameterize this rounding to allow variable decimal points
if (Math.Abs(StepValue) < float.Epsilon)
return (float)Math.Round(v * 100) / 100f;
var normalizedToValue = (float)Math.Round(v / StepValue) * StepValue;
return Math.Max(AbsoluteMinValue, Math.Min(AbsoluteMaxValue, normalizedToValue));
/// <summary>
/// Converts the given Number value to a normalized float.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">The Number value to normalize.</param>
/// <returns>The normalized float.</returns>
protected float ValueToNormalized(float value)
if (Math.Abs(MinToMaxRange) < float.Epsilon)
// prev division by zero, simply return 0.
return 0f;
return (value - AbsoluteMinValue) / MinToMaxRange;
private void UpdateTextOffset()
_textOffset = _showTextAboveThumbs
? _textSize + PixelUtil.DpToPx(Context, DefaultTextDistanceToButtonInDp) + _distanceToTop
: 0;
/// <summary>
/// Converts a normalized value into screen space.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="normalizedCoord">The normalized value to convert.</param>
/// <returns>The converted value in screen space.</returns>
private float NormalizedToScreen(float normalizedCoord)
return _padding + normalizedCoord * (Width - 2 * _padding);
/// <summary>
/// Converts screen space x-coordinates into normalized values.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="screenCoord">The x-coordinate in screen space to convert.</param>
/// <returns>The normalized value.</returns>
private float ScreenToNormalized(float screenCoord)
var width = Width;
if (width <= 2 * _padding)
// prev division by zero, simply return 0.
return 0f;
var result = (screenCoord - _padding) / (width - 2 * _padding);
return Math.Min(1f, Math.Max(0f, result));
public event EventHandler LowerValueChanged;
public event EventHandler UpperValueChanged;
public event EventHandler DragStarted;
public event EventHandler DragCompleted;
protected virtual void OnLowerValueChanged()
LowerValueChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
protected virtual void OnUpperValueChanged()
UpperValueChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Android.App;
using Android.Content;
using Android.OS;
using Android.Runtime;
using Android.Views;
using Android.Widget;
using Android.Graphics;
using Android.Util;
using Android.Content.Res;
using System.Globalization;
namespace CustomSlider.Droid
public class RangeSliderControl : ImageView
public Color DefaultActiveColor;// = Color.Rgb(0, 160, 212);
public Color DefaultNormalColor;// = Color.Rgb(149, 208, 231);
public string thumbNormal;
public string thumbPressed;
public string sliderName;
/// <summary>
/// An invalid pointer id.C:\Users\VenkatRao\Downloads\CustomSlider\CustomSlider\CustomSlider.iOS\RangeSliderControl.cs
/// </summary>
public const int InvalidPointerId = 255;
// Localized constants from MotionEvent for compatibility
// with API < 8 "Froyo".
public const int ActionPointerIndexMask = 0x0000ff00, ActionPointerIndexShift = 8;
public const int DefaultMinimum = 0;
public const int DefaultMaximum = 100;
public const int HeightInDp = 16;
public const int TextLateralPaddingInDp = 3;
private const int InitialPaddingInDp = 8;
private const int DefaultTextSizeInSp = 15;
private const int DefaultTextDistanceToButtonInDp = 8;
private const int DefaultTextDistanceToTopInDp = 8;
private const int DefaultStepValue = 0;
private const int LineHeightInDp = 1;
private readonly Paint _paint = new Paint(PaintFlags.AntiAlias);
private readonly Paint _shadowPaint = new Paint();
private readonly Matrix _thumbShadowMatrix = new Matrix();
private readonly Path _translatedThumbShadowPath = new Path();
private int _activePointerId = InvalidPointerId;
private int _distanceToTop;
private float _downMotionX;
private float _internalPad;
private bool _isDragging;
private float _padding;
private Thumb? _pressedThumb;
private RectF _rect;
private int _scaledTouchSlop;
private int _textOffset;
private int _textSize;
private float _thumbHalfHeight;
private float _thumbHalfWidth;
private int _thumbShadowBlur;
private Path _thumbShadowPath;
protected float AbsoluteMinValue, AbsoluteMaxValue;
protected float MinDeltaForDefault = 0;
protected float NormalizedMaxValue = 1f;
protected float NormalizedMinValue;
private Color _activeColor;
private Color _normalColor;
private bool _minThumbHidden;
private bool _maxThumbHidden;
private bool _showTextAboveThumbs;
private float _barHeight;
private string _textFormat = "F0";
private float MinToMaxRange
return AbsoluteMaxValue - AbsoluteMinValue;
protected RangeSliderControl(IntPtr javaReference, JniHandleOwnership transfer) : base(javaReference, transfer)
public RangeSliderControl(Context context) : base(context)
Init(context, null);
public RangeSliderControl(Context context, Color active, Color normal, string name) : base(context)
DefaultActiveColor = active;
DefaultNormalColor = normal;
sliderName = name;
//thumbNormal = NormalImage;
//thumbPressed = ActiveImage;
//, string NormalImage, string ActiveImage
Init(context, null);
public RangeSliderControl(Context context, IAttributeSet attrs) : base(context, attrs)
Init(context, attrs);
public RangeSliderControl(Context context, IAttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr)
: base(context, attrs, defStyleAttr)
Init(context, attrs);
public RangeSliderControl(Context context, IAttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr, int defStyleRes)
: base(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes)
Init(context, attrs);
public bool ActivateOnDefaultValues { get; set; }
public Color ActiveColor
get { return _activeColor; }
_activeColor = value;
public Color NormalColor
get { return _normalColor; }
_normalColor = value;
public Func<Thumb, float, string> FormatLabel { get; set; }
public override bool Enabled
return base.Enabled;
base.Enabled = value;
public bool AlwaysActive { get; set; }
public Color DefaultColor { get; set; }
public bool ShowLabels { get; set; }
public int TextSizeInSp
get { return PixelUtil.PxToSp(Context, _textSize); }
_textSize = PixelUtil.SpToPx(Context, value);
public bool ShowTextAboveThumbs
get { return _showTextAboveThumbs; }
_showTextAboveThumbs = value;
public string TextFormat
get { return _textFormat; }
_textFormat = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value) ? "F0" : value;
public bool MinThumbHidden
get { return _minThumbHidden; }
_minThumbHidden = value;
public bool MaxThumbHidden
get { return _maxThumbHidden; }
_maxThumbHidden = value;
public Color TextAboveThumbsColor { get; set; }
public Bitmap ThumbDisabledImage { get; set; }
public Bitmap ThumbImage { get; set; }
public Bitmap ThumbPressedImage { get; set; }
public bool ThumbShadow { get; set; }
public int ThumbShadowXOffset { get; set; }
public int ThumbShadowYOffset { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Should the widget notify the listener callback while the user is still dragging a thumb? Default is false.
/// </summary>
public bool NotifyWhileDragging { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// default 0.0 (disabled)
/// </summary>
public float StepValue { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// If false the slider will move freely with the tounch. When the touch ends, the value will snap to the nearest step value
/// If true the slider will stay in its current position until it reaches a new step value.
/// default false
/// </summary>
public bool StepValueContinuously { get; set; }
private float ExtractNumericValueFromAttributes(TypedArray a, int attribute, int defaultValue)
var tv = a.PeekValue(attribute);
return tv == null ? defaultValue : a.GetFloat(attribute, defaultValue);
private void Init(Context context, IAttributeSet attrs)
int thumbNormal = Resource.Drawable.seek_thumb_normal_blue;
int thumbPressed= Resource.Drawable.seek_thumb_Select_blue;
int thumbDisabled= Resource.Drawable.seek_thumb_disabled;
if (sliderName == "IsSeverity")
thumbNormal = Resource.Drawable.seek_thumb_normal_blue;
thumbPressed = Resource.Drawable.seek_thumb_Select_blue;
thumbDisabled = Resource.Drawable.seek_thumb_disabled;
else if (sliderName == "IsDuration")
thumbNormal = Resource.Drawable.seek_thumb_normal_Green;
thumbPressed = Resource.Drawable.seek_thumb_Select_Green;
thumbDisabled = Resource.Drawable.seek_thumb_disabled;
Color thumbShadowColor;
var defaultShadowColor = Color.Argb(75, 0, 0, 0);
var defaultShadowYOffset = PixelUtil.DpToPx(context, 2);
var defaultShadowXOffset = PixelUtil.DpToPx(context, 0);
var defaultShadowBlur = PixelUtil.DpToPx(context, 2);
_distanceToTop = PixelUtil.DpToPx(context, DefaultTextDistanceToTopInDp);
if (attrs == null)
_internalPad = PixelUtil.DpToPx(context, InitialPaddingInDp);
_barHeight = PixelUtil.DpToPx(context, LineHeightInDp);
ActiveColor = DefaultActiveColor;
DefaultColor = DefaultNormalColor;//Color.Gray;
AlwaysActive = false;
ShowTextAboveThumbs = true;
TextAboveThumbsColor = Color.White;
thumbShadowColor = defaultShadowColor;
ThumbShadowXOffset = defaultShadowXOffset;
ThumbShadowYOffset = defaultShadowYOffset;
_thumbShadowBlur = defaultShadowBlur;
ActivateOnDefaultValues = false;
TextSizeInSp = DefaultTextSizeInSp;
var a = Context.ObtainStyledAttributes(attrs, Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl, 0, 0);
SetRangeValues(ExtractNumericValueFromAttributes(a, Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_absoluteMinValue, DefaultMinimum),
ExtractNumericValueFromAttributes(a, Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_absoluteMaxValue, DefaultMaximum));
ShowTextAboveThumbs = a.GetBoolean(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_valuesAboveThumbs, true);
TextAboveThumbsColor = a.GetColor(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_textAboveThumbsColor, Color.White);
MinThumbHidden = a.GetBoolean(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_minThumbHidden, false);
MaxThumbHidden = a.GetBoolean(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_maxThumbHidden, false);
ShowLabels = a.GetBoolean(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_showLabels, true);
_internalPad = a.GetDimensionPixelSize(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_internalPadding, InitialPaddingInDp);
_barHeight = a.GetDimensionPixelSize(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_barHeight, LineHeightInDp);
ActiveColor = a.GetColor(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_activeColor, DefaultActiveColor);
// NormalColor = a.GetColor(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_normalColor, DefaultNormalColor);
DefaultColor = a.GetColor(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_defaultColor, Color.Gray);
AlwaysActive = a.GetBoolean(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_alwaysActive, false);
StepValue = ExtractNumericValueFromAttributes(a,
Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_stepValue, DefaultStepValue);
StepValueContinuously = a.GetBoolean(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_stepValueContinuously,
var normalDrawable = a.GetDrawable(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_thumbNormal);
if (normalDrawable != null)
ThumbImage = BitmapUtil.DrawableToBitmap(normalDrawable);
var disabledDrawable = a.GetDrawable(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_thumbDisabled);
if (disabledDrawable != null)
ThumbDisabledImage = BitmapUtil.DrawableToBitmap(disabledDrawable);
var pressedDrawable = a.GetDrawable(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_thumbPressed);
if (pressedDrawable != null)
ThumbPressedImage = BitmapUtil.DrawableToBitmap(pressedDrawable);
ThumbShadow = a.GetBoolean(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_thumbShadow, false);
thumbShadowColor = a.GetColor(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_thumbShadowColor, defaultShadowColor);
ThumbShadowXOffset = a.GetDimensionPixelSize(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_thumbShadowXOffset, defaultShadowXOffset);
ThumbShadowYOffset = a.GetDimensionPixelSize(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_thumbShadowYOffset, defaultShadowYOffset);
_thumbShadowBlur = a.GetDimensionPixelSize(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_thumbShadowBlur, defaultShadowBlur);
ActivateOnDefaultValues = a.GetBoolean(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_activateOnDefaultValues, false);
TextSizeInSp = a.GetInt(Resource.Styleable.RangeSliderControl_textSize, DefaultTextSizeInSp);
if (ThumbImage == null)
ThumbImage = BitmapFactory.DecodeResource(Resources, thumbNormal);
if (ThumbPressedImage == null)
ThumbPressedImage = BitmapFactory.DecodeResource(Resources, thumbPressed);
if (ThumbDisabledImage == null)
ThumbDisabledImage = BitmapFactory.DecodeResource(Resources, thumbDisabled);
_thumbHalfWidth = 0.5f * ThumbImage.Width;
_thumbHalfHeight = 0.5f * ThumbImage.Height;
// make RangeSliderControl focusable. This solves focus handling issues in case EditText widgets are being used along with the RangeSliderControl within ScrollViews.
Focusable = true;
FocusableInTouchMode = true;
_scaledTouchSlop = ViewConfiguration.Get(Context).ScaledTouchSlop;
if (ThumbShadow)
// We need to remove hardware acceleration in order to blur the shadow
SetLayerType(LayerType.Software, null);
_shadowPaint.Color = thumbShadowColor;
_shadowPaint.SetMaskFilter(new BlurMaskFilter(_thumbShadowBlur, BlurMaskFilter.Blur.Normal));
_thumbShadowPath = new Path();
_thumbShadowPath.AddCircle(0, 0, _thumbHalfHeight, Path.Direction.Cw);
public void SetBarHeight(float barHeight)
_barHeight = barHeight;
if (_rect == null)
_rect = new RectF(_padding,
_textOffset + _thumbHalfHeight - barHeight / 2,
Width - _padding,
_textOffset + _thumbHalfHeight + barHeight / 2);
_rect = new RectF(_rect.Left,
_textOffset + _thumbHalfHeight - barHeight / 2,
_textOffset + _thumbHalfHeight + barHeight / 2);
public void SetRangeValues(float minValue, float maxValue)
var oldMinValue = NormalizedToValue(NormalizedMinValue);
var oldMaxValue = NormalizedToValue(NormalizedMaxValue);
AbsoluteMinValue = minValue;
AbsoluteMaxValue = maxValue;
if (Math.Abs(MinToMaxRange) < float.Epsilon)
SetNormalizedMinValue(0f, true, true);
SetNormalizedMaxValue(0f, true, true);
SetNormalizedMinValue(ValueToNormalized(oldMinValue), true, true);
SetNormalizedMaxValue(ValueToNormalized(oldMaxValue), true, true);
public void SetTextAboveThumbsColor(Color textAboveThumbsColor)
TextAboveThumbsColor = textAboveThumbsColor;
public void SetTextAboveThumbsColorResource(int resId)
SetTextAboveThumbsColor(Resources.GetColor(resId, Context.Theme));
/// <summary>
/// only used to set default values when initialised from XML without any values specified
/// </summary>
private void SetRangeToDefaultValues()
AbsoluteMinValue = DefaultMinimum;
AbsoluteMaxValue = DefaultMaximum;
public void ResetSelectedValues()
/// <summary>
/// Returns the absolute minimum value of the range that has been set at construction time.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The absolute minimum value of the range.</returns>
public float GetAbsoluteMinValue()
return AbsoluteMinValue;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the absolute maximum value of the range that has been set at construction time.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The absolute maximum value of the range.</returns>
public float GetAbsoluteMaxValue()
return AbsoluteMaxValue;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the currently selected min value.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The currently selected min value.</returns>
public float GetSelectedMinValue()
return NormalizedToValue(NormalizedMinValue);
/// <summary>
/// Sets the currently selected minimum value. The widget will be Invalidated and redrawn.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">The Number value to set the minimum value to. Will be clamped to given absolute minimum/maximum range.</param>
public void SetSelectedMinValue(float value)
if (_pressedThumb == Thumb.Lower)
// in case absoluteMinValue == absoluteMaxValue, avoid division by zero when normalizing.
SetNormalizedMinValue(Math.Abs(MinToMaxRange) < float.Epsilon
? 0f
: ValueToNormalized(value), true, false);
/// <summary>
/// Returns the currently selected max value.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The currently selected max value.</returns>
public float GetSelectedMaxValue()
return NormalizedToValue(NormalizedMaxValue);
/// <summary>
/// Sets the currently selected maximum value. The widget will be Invalidated and redrawn.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">The Number value to set the maximum value to. Will be clamped to given absolute minimum/maximum range.</param>
public void SetSelectedMaxValue(float value)
if (_pressedThumb == Thumb.Upper)
// in case absoluteMinValue == absoluteMaxValue, avoid division by zero when normalizing.
SetNormalizedMaxValue(Math.Abs(MinToMaxRange) < float.Epsilon
? 1f
: ValueToNormalized(value), true, false);
/// <summary>
/// Set the path that defines the shadow of the thumb. This path should be defined assuming
/// that the center of the shadow is at the top left corner(0,0) of the canvas.The
/// <see cref="DrawThumbShadow"/> method will place the shadow appropriately.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="thumbShadowPath">The path defining the thumb shadow</param>
public void SetThumbShadowPath(Path thumbShadowPath)
_thumbShadowPath = thumbShadowPath;
/// <summary>
/// Handles thumb selection and movement. Notifies listener callback on certain evs.
/// </summary>
public override bool OnTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev)
if (!Enabled)
return false;
int pointerIndex;
var action = ev.Action;
switch (action & MotionEventActions.Mask)
case MotionEventActions.Down:
// Remember where the motion ev started
_activePointerId = ev.GetPointerId(ev.PointerCount - 1);
pointerIndex = ev.FindPointerIndex(_activePointerId);
_downMotionX = ev.GetX(pointerIndex);
_pressedThumb = EvalPressedThumb(_downMotionX);
// Only handle thumb presses.
if (_pressedThumb == null)
return base.OnTouchEvent(ev);
Pressed = true;
TrackTouchEvent(ev, StepValueContinuously);
case MotionEventActions.Move:
if (_pressedThumb != null)
if (_isDragging)
TrackTouchEvent(ev, StepValueContinuously);
// Scroll to follow the motion ev
pointerIndex = ev.FindPointerIndex(_activePointerId);
var x = ev.GetX(pointerIndex);
if (Math.Abs(x - _downMotionX) > _scaledTouchSlop)
Pressed = true;
TrackTouchEvent(ev, StepValueContinuously);
if (NotifyWhileDragging)
if (_pressedThumb == Thumb.Lower)
if (_pressedThumb == Thumb.Upper)
case MotionEventActions.Up:
if (_isDragging)
TrackTouchEvent(ev, true);
Pressed = false;
// Touch up when we never crossed the touch slop threshold
// should be interpreted as a tap-seek to that location.
TrackTouchEvent(ev, true);
if (_pressedThumb == Thumb.Lower)
if (_pressedThumb == Thumb.Upper)
_pressedThumb = null;
case MotionEventActions.PointerDown:
var index = ev.PointerCount - 1;
// readonly int index = ev.getActionIndex();
_downMotionX = ev.GetX(index);
_activePointerId = ev.GetPointerId(index);
case MotionEventActions.PointerUp:
case MotionEventActions.Cancel:
if (_isDragging)
Pressed = false;
Invalidate(); // see above explanation
return true;
private void OnSecondaryPointerUp(MotionEvent ev)
var pointerIndex = (int)(ev.Action & MotionEventActions.PointerIndexMask) >>
var pointerId = ev.GetPointerId(pointerIndex);
if (pointerId == _activePointerId)
// This was our active pointer going up. Choose
// a new active pointer and adjust accordingly.
// TODO: Make this decision more intelligent.
var newPointerIndex = pointerIndex == 0 ? 1 : 0;
_downMotionX = ev.GetX(newPointerIndex);
_activePointerId = ev.GetPointerId(newPointerIndex);
private void TrackTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev, bool step)
var pointerIndex = ev.FindPointerIndex(_activePointerId);
var x = ev.GetX(pointerIndex);
if (Thumb.Lower.Equals(_pressedThumb) && !MinThumbHidden)
SetNormalizedMinValue(ScreenToNormalized(x), step, true);
else if (Thumb.Upper.Equals(_pressedThumb) && !MaxThumbHidden)
SetNormalizedMaxValue(ScreenToNormalized(x), step, true);
/// <summary>
/// Tries to claim the user's drag motion, and requests disallowing any ancestors from stealing evs in the drag.
/// </summary>
private void AttemptClaimDrag()
/// <summary>
/// This is called when the user has started touching this widget.
/// </summary>
private void OnStartTrackingTouch()
_isDragging = true;
DragStarted?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
/// <summary>
/// This is called when the user either releases his touch or the touch is canceled.
/// </summary>
private void OnStopTrackingTouch()
_isDragging = false;
DragCompleted?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
/// <summary>
/// Ensures correct size of the widget.
/// </summary>
protected override void OnMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec)
var width = 200;
if (MeasureSpecMode.Unspecified != MeasureSpec.GetMode(widthMeasureSpec))
width = MeasureSpec.GetSize(widthMeasureSpec);
var height = ThumbImage.Height
+ (ShowTextAboveThumbs ? PixelUtil.DpToPx(Context, HeightInDp) + PixelUtil.SpToPx(Context, TextSizeInSp) : 0)
+ (ThumbShadow ? ThumbShadowYOffset + _thumbShadowBlur : 0);
if (MeasureSpecMode.Unspecified != MeasureSpec.GetMode(heightMeasureSpec))
height = Math.Min(height, MeasureSpec.GetSize(heightMeasureSpec));
SetMeasuredDimension(width, height);
/// <summary>
/// Draws the widget on the given canvas.
/// </summary>
protected override void OnDraw(Canvas canvas)
_paint.TextSize = _textSize;
_paint.Color = DefaultColor;
_paint.AntiAlias = true;
float minMaxLabelSize = 0;
if (ShowLabels)
// draw min and max labels
var minLabel = Context.GetString(Resource.String.demo_min_label);
var maxLabel = Context.GetString(Resource.String.demo_max_label);
minMaxLabelSize = Math.Max(_paint.MeasureText(minLabel), _paint.MeasureText(maxLabel));
var minMaxHeight = _textOffset + _thumbHalfHeight + (float)_textSize / 3;
canvas.DrawText(minLabel, 0, minMaxHeight, _paint);
canvas.DrawText(maxLabel, Width - minMaxLabelSize, minMaxHeight, _paint);
_padding = _internalPad + minMaxLabelSize + _thumbHalfWidth;
// draw seek bar background line
_rect.Left = _padding;
_rect.Right = Width - _padding;
canvas.DrawRect(_rect, _paint);
var selectedValuesAreDefault = NormalizedMinValue <= MinDeltaForDefault &&
NormalizedMaxValue >= 1 - MinDeltaForDefault;
var colorToUseForButtonsAndHighlightedLine =
!Enabled || (!AlwaysActive && !ActivateOnDefaultValues && selectedValuesAreDefault)
? DefaultColor // default values
: ActiveColor; // non default, filter is active
// draw seek bar active range line
_rect.Left = NormalizedToScreen(NormalizedMinValue);
_rect.Right = NormalizedToScreen(NormalizedMaxValue);
_paint.Color = colorToUseForButtonsAndHighlightedLine;
canvas.DrawRect(_rect, _paint);
// draw minimum thumb (& shadow if requested) if not a single thumb control
if (!MinThumbHidden)
if (ThumbShadow)
DrawThumbShadow(NormalizedToScreen(NormalizedMinValue), canvas);
DrawThumb(NormalizedToScreen(NormalizedMinValue), Thumb.Lower.Equals(_pressedThumb), canvas,
// draw maximum thumb & shadow (if necessary)
if (!MaxThumbHidden)
if (ThumbShadow)
DrawThumbShadow(NormalizedToScreen(NormalizedMaxValue), canvas);
DrawThumb(NormalizedToScreen(NormalizedMaxValue), Thumb.Upper.Equals(_pressedThumb), canvas,
// draw the text if sliders have moved from default edges
if (!ShowTextAboveThumbs || (!ActivateOnDefaultValues && selectedValuesAreDefault))
_paint.TextSize = _textSize;
_paint.Color = TextAboveThumbsColor;
var minText = ValueToString(GetSelectedMinValue(), Thumb.Lower);
var maxText = ValueToString(GetSelectedMaxValue(), Thumb.Upper);
var minTextWidth = _paint.MeasureText(minText);
var maxTextWidth = _paint.MeasureText(maxText);
// keep the position so that the labels don't get cut off
var minPosition = Math.Max(0f, NormalizedToScreen(NormalizedMinValue) - minTextWidth * 0.5f);
var maxPosition = Math.Min(Width - maxTextWidth,
NormalizedToScreen(NormalizedMaxValue) - maxTextWidth * 0.5f);
if (!MaxThumbHidden && !MinThumbHidden)
// check if the labels overlap, or are too close to each other
var spacing = PixelUtil.DpToPx(Context, TextLateralPaddingInDp);
var overlap = minPosition + minTextWidth - maxPosition + spacing;
if (overlap > 0f)
// we could move them the same ("overlap * 0.5f")
// but we rather move more the one which is farther from the ends, as it has more space
minPosition -= overlap * NormalizedMinValue / (NormalizedMinValue + 1 - NormalizedMaxValue);
maxPosition += overlap * (1 - NormalizedMaxValue) / (NormalizedMinValue + 1 - NormalizedMaxValue);
_distanceToTop + _textSize,
_distanceToTop + _textSize,
protected string ValueToString(float value, Thumb thumb)
var func = FormatLabel;
return func == null
? value.ToString(_textFormat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
: func(thumb, value);
/// <summary>
/// Overridden to save instance state when device orientation changes. This method is called automatically if you
/// assign an id to the RangeSliderControl widget using the Id. Other members of this class than the normalized min and
/// max values don't need to be saved.
/// </summary>
protected override IParcelable OnSaveInstanceState()
var bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.PutParcelable("SUPER", base.OnSaveInstanceState());
bundle.PutDouble("MIN", NormalizedMinValue);
bundle.PutDouble("MAX", NormalizedMaxValue);
return bundle;
/// <summary>
/// Overridden to restore instance state when device orientation changes. This method is called automatically if you
/// assign an id to the RangeSliderControl widget using the {@link #setId(int)} method.
/// </summary>
protected override void OnRestoreInstanceState(IParcelable parcel)
var bundle = (Bundle)parcel;
NormalizedMinValue = bundle.GetFloat("MIN");
NormalizedMaxValue = bundle.GetFloat("MAX");
/// <summary>
/// Draws the "normal" resp. "pressed" thumb image on specified x-coordinate.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="screenCoord">The x-coordinate in screen space where to draw the image.</param>
/// <param name="pressed">Is the thumb currently in "pressed" state?</param>
/// <param name="canvas">The canvas to draw upon.</param>
/// <param name="areSelectedValuesDefault"></param>
private void DrawThumb(float screenCoord, bool pressed, Canvas canvas, bool areSelectedValuesDefault)
Bitmap buttonToDraw;
if (!Enabled || (!ActivateOnDefaultValues && areSelectedValuesDefault))
buttonToDraw = ThumbDisabledImage;
buttonToDraw = pressed ? ThumbPressedImage : ThumbImage;
canvas.DrawBitmap(buttonToDraw, screenCoord - _thumbHalfWidth, _textOffset, _paint);
/// <summary>
/// Draws a drop shadow beneath the slider thumb.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="screenCoord">the x-coordinate of the slider thumb</param>
/// <param name="canvas">the canvas on which to draw the shadow</param>
private void DrawThumbShadow(float screenCoord, Canvas canvas)
_thumbShadowMatrix.SetTranslate(screenCoord + ThumbShadowXOffset,
_textOffset + _thumbHalfHeight + ThumbShadowYOffset);
canvas.DrawPath(_translatedThumbShadowPath, _shadowPaint);
/// <summary>
/// Decides which (if any) thumb is touched by the given x-coordinate.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="touchX">The x-coordinate of a touch ev in screen space.</param>
/// <returns>The pressed thumb or null if none has been touched.</returns>
private Thumb? EvalPressedThumb(float touchX)
Thumb? result = null;
var minThumbPressed = IsInThumbRange(touchX, NormalizedMinValue);
var maxThumbPressed = IsInThumbRange(touchX, NormalizedMaxValue);
if (minThumbPressed && maxThumbPressed)
// if both thumbs are pressed (they lie on top of each other), choose the one with more room to drag. this avoids "stalling" the thumbs in a corner, not being able to drag them apart anymore.
result = touchX / Width > 0.5f ? Thumb.Lower : Thumb.Upper;
else if (minThumbPressed)
result = Thumb.Lower;
else if (maxThumbPressed)
result = Thumb.Upper;
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Decides if given x-coordinate in screen space needs to be interpreted as "within" the normalized thumb
/// x-coordinate.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="touchX">The x-coordinate in screen space to check.</param>
/// <param name="normalizedThumbValue">The normalized x-coordinate of the thumb to check.</param>
/// <returns>true if x-coordinate is in thumb range, false otherwise.</returns>
private bool IsInThumbRange(float touchX, float normalizedThumbValue)
return Math.Abs(touchX - NormalizedToScreen(normalizedThumbValue)) <= _thumbHalfWidth;
/// <summary>
/// Sets normalized min value to value so that 0 <= value <= normalized max value <= 1. The View will get Invalidated when calling this method.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">The new normalized min value to set.</param>
/// <param name="step">If true then value is rounded to <see cref="StepValue"/></param>
/// <param name="checkValue">If true check if value falls inside min/max</param>
private void SetNormalizedMinValue(float value, bool step, bool checkValue)
NormalizedMinValue = checkValue
? Math.Max(0f, Math.Min(1f, Math.Min(value, NormalizedMaxValue)))
: value;
if (step)
NormalizedMinValue = ValueToNormalized(NormalizedToValue(NormalizedMinValue));
/// <summary>
/// Sets normalized max value to value so that 0 <= normalized min value <= value <= 1. The View will get Invalidated when calling this method.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">The new normalized max value to set.</param>
/// <param name="step">If true then value is rounded to <see cref="StepValue"/></param>
/// <param name="checkValue">If true check if value falls inside min/max</param>
private void SetNormalizedMaxValue(float value, bool step, bool checkValue)
NormalizedMaxValue = checkValue
? Math.Max(0f, Math.Min(1f, Math.Max(value, NormalizedMinValue)))
: value;
if (step)
NormalizedMaxValue = ValueToNormalized(NormalizedToValue(NormalizedMaxValue));
/// <summary>
/// Converts a normalized value to a Number object in the value space between absolute minimum and maximum.
/// </summary>
protected float NormalizedToValue(float normalized)
var v = AbsoluteMinValue + normalized * MinToMaxRange;
// TODO parameterize this rounding to allow variable decimal points
if (Math.Abs(StepValue) < float.Epsilon)
return (float)Math.Round(v * 100) / 100f;
var normalizedToValue = (float)Math.Round(v / StepValue) * StepValue;
return Math.Max(AbsoluteMinValue, Math.Min(AbsoluteMaxValue, normalizedToValue));
/// <summary>
/// Converts the given Number value to a normalized float.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">The Number value to normalize.</param>
/// <returns>The normalized float.</returns>
protected float ValueToNormalized(float value)
if (Math.Abs(MinToMaxRange) < float.Epsilon)
// prev division by zero, simply return 0.
return 0f;
return (value - AbsoluteMinValue) / MinToMaxRange;
private void UpdateTextOffset()
_textOffset = _showTextAboveThumbs
? _textSize + PixelUtil.DpToPx(Context, DefaultTextDistanceToButtonInDp) + _distanceToTop
: 0;
/// <summary>
/// Converts a normalized value into screen space.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="normalizedCoord">The normalized value to convert.</param>
/// <returns>The converted value in screen space.</returns>
private float NormalizedToScreen(float normalizedCoord)
return _padding + normalizedCoord * (Width - 2 * _padding);
/// <summary>
/// Converts screen space x-coordinates into normalized values.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="screenCoord">The x-coordinate in screen space to convert.</param>
/// <returns>The normalized value.</returns>
private float ScreenToNormalized(float screenCoord)
var width = Width;
if (width <= 2 * _padding)
// prev division by zero, simply return 0.
return 0f;
var result = (screenCoord - _padding) / (width - 2 * _padding);
return Math.Min(1f, Math.Max(0f, result));
public event EventHandler LowerValueChanged;
public event EventHandler UpperValueChanged;
public event EventHandler DragStarted;
public event EventHandler DragCompleted;
protected virtual void OnLowerValueChanged()
LowerValueChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
protected virtual void OnUpperValueChanged()
UpperValueChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
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